Semidouble dark lavender star/ purple band, white wavy edge. 半重瓣星状花,深紫色镶暗紫色边,再滚波浪白色边。
They discovered also that every cycle, the dark band Milky Way's center called Galactic Equator intersects with Elliptical, the plane movement of the sun across the sky. 他们还发现,在每个周期中,称为“银道”的“银河”中心均会与椭圆星系相交,即太阳穿过天空进行的平面运动。
Juvenile: Tail greyish-buff, finely barred grey; indistinct dark band along trailing edge of wing. 幼鸟:尾羽灰黄色,有细微灰色条纹;翼外缘有宽的黑色镶边不明显。
Single-semidouble dark lavender ruffled star/ light green band, darker edge. 单瓣-半重瓣的折边星型花,暗暗的浅紫色有亮绿色的宽边及深色边。
A dark band in the spectrum of white light that has been transmitted through a substance that exhibits absorption at selective wavelengths. 白光通过某种物质时,某些波长的光被有选择性地吸收而在光谱上留下的暗带。
It can be used to fabricate X-ray and γ-ray detectors because of its high resistivity, low dark current, good thermal stability, wide and adjustable band gap, high energy resolution of the detecting ray, etc. 它具有电阻率高、暗电流低、热稳定性好、带隙宽且可调、探测射线能量分辨率较高等诸多优异的性能,适用于制作X射线和γ射线探测器。
The results indicate that HCHO has a strong influence on the anodic behavior of both p-Si and n-Si electrodes in alkaline solutions. A reduction current of HCHO on an n-Si ( 100) electrode was observed in the dark due to the conduction band electron. 实验结果表明,甲醛不仅影响p和n型半导体电极在碱性溶液中的阳极氧化峰电流,而且在负电位区能在Si(100)电极上发生还原。
Dark red bands were composed of myocardial fibers and there were bundle cells in the connective tissue at the peripheral part of the band. 动物的右心室条束可分暗红色条束和乳白色条束,暗红色条束主要由心肌纤维构成,条束周边的结缔组织中含有束细胞;